
University of Iowa’s New Green(backs) Deal

UIowa’s new $1.17 billion agreement to cede management of its energy production and utility infrastructure is emblematic of austerity to education budgets, and dangerous without explicit safeguards. June, 2021. The University of Iowa completed a massive financial deal this past March to grant a 50-year term for management of its power and water infrastructure to…

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The Radicalization of the Midwest

Over 30 counties in Iowa pivoted for Trump by over 15% in 2016, and none reverted in 2020. This trend is not a fluke- it is the new political reality for the Heartland. 1 June, 2021 Throughout the second decade of the 21st Century, a political sea change has been occurring in a region of…

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Field Organizing for the Future

Staggering losses in 2016 and a precarious Senate balance in 2020 both necessitates a change in campaign organizing and elucidates potential strategies for 2022 and beyond. 27 April, 2021. Phone banking is a dead strategy. The tired organizing tactics of 2004 have no role in the world of 2021. People tend to use their phones…

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Every Firearm Fatality is Preventable

Guns don’t kill people, people kill people (and themselves-) disproportionately with guns. 1.5 million lives are saved every year thanks to motor vehicle regulations. A goal of zero firearm fatalities annually is achievable. 4 August, 2019. The most recent mass shooting in [insert location here] reignites the debate once again. Why must we, as Americans,…

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